The ssk (or slip, slip, knit) is a has a rather counter-intuitive name because it is not really as it seems. You are doing more than just slipping and knitting, you are in fact decreasing a stitch by slipping two stitches and then knitting them together through the back loops. The ssk is used often in knitting as the opposite or counter or mirrored decrease to the k2tog (knit 2 together). It leans the opposite way – k2tog leans right and ssk leans left.
::: how to work a SSK (slip, slip, knit) :::
1. Slip 1 stitch knitwise.
2. Slip 1 more stitch knitwise.
3. Insert your left needle through the front of the 2 slipped stitches.
4. wrap your yarn around the right needle (it’s in behind) and pull the loop through both of the slipped stitches, knitting them together.